
2008年10月30日 星期四

My family Trip in Taitung-台東三日遊

We had a wonderful vocation in Taitung for three days. We took the train to Taitung instead of driving. My brother told me that it will take a long time to drive car to Taitung.  When I herad that, I change my decision. Because me and Angel had a carsickness problem. Therefore I have much time to talk with my Angel. We always catch the time everyday. The schedule are 8:00 a.m. go to school; 8:00 p.m. go back home; go to bed before 10:00 p.m. Everyday is in hurry. Just has a few time can talk. If Angel give her time to TV, the chatting time could get less.

When we were in the car, we had a chat; we walked along aisle to take a look for many cars; we played a game; I hold her to sleep just liked she was a little baby. I should cherish every monent with her. We had a long-time conversation about her elementary school life that I haven't heard before.

本次行程好事多磨, 本來10/9就要出發, 因本人的家那口子總有事耽擱, 一延再延到了10/26才成行, 10天前先訂了來回自強號, 剛好台東聯合租車行是台新卡友的話, 三天前預約可打七折, 交通問題通通解決, 住的話在一個月前在網友推薦下选了利嘉181, 租金一日是2100, 住二晚的話就一日只要2000, 哦, 萬事俱備, 就等出發了.

台東的天氣都不錯, 我們的運氣更不錯, 每當我們要待在戶外時間久一點時, 本來烈日灼身的天氣, 不一會太陽就自動躲起來, 讓我們不致於晒傷, 也不會因太陽太大而不想出去玩. 基本上三日的行程如下:

Day1-到租車行取車時向工作人員索取台東旅遊路線圖, 順便問一下好吃好玩的點就可出發了.馬亨亨大道森林公園(裏面200多公頃, 有小區域的遊樂設施, 騎腳踏車是重頭戲喲, 一定要租車, 有礫石的海邊, 有可划船的地方, 在那可消磨很久的時間, 就是因為花太久時間在那, 所以來不及去附近的海濱公園)-->晚上去中華路附近的小吃用餐, 租車行介紹正東台米台目還有隔壁的臭豆腐都不錯, 吃了覺得還可以, 不過台東的米台目不一樣的是他們放了很多多柴魚片, 所以味道跟客家版的不一樣, 有興趣的自己來比較了.

Day2-用過LuLu老師準備的初鹿(Angel唸切麗喲)牧場的鮮乳後, 我們也要去初鹿牧場(餵馬吃草, 騎馬繞場, 吃香濃的冰淇淋, 買各式牛造型的紀念品, 悠閒的坐在搖椅上亨用冰淇淋喝觧乳-->鹿野高台(當日可能是中午, 也可能是風向, 所以沒看到有人在玩飛行傘-->關山親水公園(先在入口處不遠的地方租腳踏車, 再騎進去親水公園, 可省下停車費30元, 親水公園共約30幾公頃, 又要考驗Angle了, 悠閒的騎車讓Angel練膽量, 公園還有大一點的遊樂設施, 稍作停留後再到外面的環鎮自行車道騎, 約有12公里, 因為Angel在親水公園表現不錯, 所以騎環鎮自行車道時和老闆娘換協力車, 由爹地載她囉, 不然一路上又要有人嘟著嘴)-->紅葉少棒紀念館(看著紅葉少棒當年的努力及雄偉的戰績介紹, 再看看現今留下來的球員現況, 不禁感嘆運動員的生命, 及政府的現實)-->紅葉溫泉(要泡的人切記要帶泳裝, 不然不給進入喲, 我們是有帶泳裝來, 但沒帶出門, 唉), 晚餐吃推薦的橘香扁食.寶桑湯圓, 又是吃飽飽的回到民宿.

Day3-小野柳(遊客中心有電子書介紹小野柳風化石的形成等等, 可先看完再去參觀, 一路上看到的景像會覺得較熟悉)-->水往上流(爹地說是地勢錯覺, 但我還是覺得就像那麼一回事)-->泰源幽谷(先去有名的東河包子吃吃看, 還好啦, 饀的味道不錯, 但一顆要18緣就太跨張了, 本來想買一些回去, 一來覺得貴, 二來我們要坐火車, 我看算了, 再來去東河橋看出海口, 其實泰源幽谷不知有何特別, 只有問了當地人才會知道吧)-->三仙台(在這裏消磨了好久時間, 一直騙Angle走那八個拱橋, 走完又騙她繼續走步道, 走到她不想再被騙才罷休, 不過也是我們時間差不多了, 所以不再逼她, 但是我覺得三仙台還不錯, 又可看海, 又可玩水, 又可走路, 來台東一定要去的景點)

總結, 這是一個悠閒的旅程, 一家三口都覺得很開心, 想去台東玩的同好們, 再加一天就可去知本了.

2008年10月28日 星期二

A soprt-meet

Mommy and Daddy attedned Angel's first athletic-meet last Saturday. The athletic-meet order was so chaotic beyond ours unexpections. No direction, no sign. We couldn't find Angel's class location. And the assistants didn't let attendants obey the rules strictly in the field. So when the game was proceeded, many parents wanted to take a picture or video for their child, they went into the field. You couldn't recognize whom belonged to the game. Even so, nobody to stop the selfish parents. Parents should stayed at the waiting line. Don't accross the line in order to let the game go smoothly.

上週六媽咪和爹地去參加柔寶上小學後的第一個運動會.在運動會裏, 秩序混亂到出乎你想像. 沒有任何的指標及告示牌, 讓我們根本找不到Angel的所在位置. 現場人員都沒有嚴格的請參加者遵守秩序. 在活動進行中, 許多的家長為了想幫自己的小孩照相或攝影, 就直接跑到正在進行中的活動, 你跟本無法分辨到底是誰屬於活動中的人. 沒有人去制止這些自私的父母. 這些身為家長的應該站在等待線上, 不可超過那條線, 才可以該活動進行的很順利, 可且參觀的人也能很清楚的觀賞到精演的活動.

2008年10月19日 星期日

Sleep Alone

10/19(afternoon) When I drove my sweet to airport. He told me a conversation last night with Angel. Angel told him that she can't sleep in her room by herself now, but she can try sleep alone without daddy and mommy. When I heard that, I gave her a praize. Angel said it doesn't matter. That was what I said before, I can sleep alone when I am grade on in the elementary school. Now it's just the time.

當我開車載sweet去機場的路上, sweet說:Angle昨晚洗香香時對他說, 爸鼻, 我現在還沒辦法自己一個人在我的房間睡, 但我可以試著在你們房間睡, 不需要你們陪. 我聽到時馬上給柔寶一個稱讚, 然後說就從今晚開始囉. Angle說:我本來就說一年級要自己一個人睡, 我現在一年級了呀.

10/19(night) I had dinner with my sister's family. Plenty of food are seafood. I ate goose, vegetable, pork, bamboo shoots is presevered in salt, etc. My sister ate so many crab legs. Angel saw it then she whispered to me, she is your sister and she ate so much seafood, why don't you eat any seafood.      

晚上和姐姐一家人一起用晚餐, 因為是在永安漁港, 所以姐夫點的菜大部是海鮮. 當然我只挑非海鮮類的來吃, 結果柔寶發現姐姐一直在吃螃蟹的二隻大腳, 然後她就小聲的跟我說:媽咪, 她是你姐姐對不對, 那為什麼她吃海鮮你不吃呢, 你也要吃呀.





2008年10月16日 星期四

Just like an adult

Last night I bought two cups of drinks, one is greentea, the other one is milktea. Angel chose milktea. She is drinking while she is eating dinner. Just took a sip of her milktea. She put her cup at aside. Then daddy thought now was his turn. He drank a lot of tea, just left a few. He worried about will find the fact. Just as expected, Angel took the cup and said why my tea is few, who drink it.

O Oh, she found out. She wanted daddy compensate her. If you don't want buy a new one, you can make milktea, I can accept. First you make hot tea, then pour milk into the cup, that's it. When she expressed her opinion, I nodded. She said, mommy it was not you business, daddy drank it. So daddy should make, not you.

Oh, what a such clever girl. I can't even fool with her.

2008年10月14日 星期二

My important things-dance&English

Now I try to practice English by writing and speaking. I record that I want to say and my thought like diary. I talk with my sweet and Angle in english  to enhance my courage. I hope next time I have the chance to talk to foreigner in English. Except speaking, I should train my hearing, but that's difficult. No body can talk with me. My sweet suggest me to hear the CD or ICRT. I think I bact to senior high school life. Oh, what a such sufficient life.