10/19(afternoon) When I drove my sweet to airport. He told me a conversation last night with Angel. Angel told him that she can't sleep in her room by herself now, but she can try sleep alone without daddy and mommy. When I heard that, I gave her a praize. Angel said it doesn't matter. That was what I said before, I can sleep alone when I am grade on in the elementary school. Now it's just the time.
當我開車載sweet去機場的路上, sweet說:Angle昨晚洗香香時對他說, 爸鼻, 我現在還沒辦法自己一個人在我的房間睡, 但我可以試著在你們房間睡, 不需要你們陪. 我聽到時馬上給柔寶一個稱讚, 然後說就從今晚開始囉. Angle說:我本來就說一年級要自己一個人睡, 我現在一年級了呀.
10/19(night) I had dinner with my sister's family. Plenty of food are seafood. I ate goose, vegetable, pork, bamboo shoots is presevered in salt, etc. My sister ate so many crab legs. Angel saw it then she whispered to me, she is your sister and she ate so much seafood, why don't you eat any seafood.
晚上和姐姐一家人一起用晚餐, 因為是在永安漁港, 所以姐夫點的菜大部是海鮮. 當然我只挑非海鮮類的來吃, 結果柔寶發現姐姐一直在吃螃蟹的二隻大腳, 然後她就小聲的跟我說:媽咪, 她是你姐姐對不對, 那為什麼她吃海鮮你不吃呢, 你也要吃呀.