I should thank to my neighbor Tina and her son for exchanging the bike with us. We drove our CR-V to practice more for Angel in Dasi waterfront park. Angel always said her bike is too high, so she couldn't ride very well. Every time she sat on the bike she was very uneasy. Today she has no cause to evade riding.
At first, she faced the ramp she did the same break bike with her feet. She couldn't put her feet on the treadles, just let her feet reach out streightly instead of pressing handle. Sweet and me tried to let her calm down, but she was still willful. In the time of losing our temper, she can ride and keep her balance. It's so amazing, sweet led her to ride for a while to make sure that she can do that sustaining. The answer is positive.
大溪河濱公園的騎車腹地不大, 但對小孩來說, 卻是一個很好的腳踏車練習場所. 其中包含了很多小段.小段的上下坡, 下坡可讓小孩練習使用刹車, 上坡就練習腳力, 那也還有小的髮夾彎, 可訓練手的控制力, 騎完累了可在公園休息, 玩遊樂設施, 散步等等, 可消磨一個下午, 時間充裕的人, 還可去大溪老街逛逛, 喝咖啡, 下次風沒那大時, 一定要再去一次, 因為這次沒拍到任何照片, 好可惜哦.